

Spreading Santorum and Other Amazing Things That Are Completely Awesome

Posted by JG

So first off, this is just to get Dan Savage's campaign to fuck with former (then present) Senator Rick Santorum back to the top of Google searches.

Spreading Santorum is a great site that redefines Santorum. The new definition is as such:

The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.

Amazing, no? The reason for this was because (former) Senator Rick Santorum was such a fucking asshole about gay issues and sex issues in general; he was also a total piece of shit about everything, but I don't know if Dan Savage cares about anything but butt-fucking and dildos.

Check out Dan Savage's amazing sex advice column by clicking here.

It's totally worth it.

And maybe Dan Savage will finally get some gay community love from congress because Arlen Specter has officially switched parties and is now a Democrat, which means that when Al Franken (fingers crossed) gets seated we'll finally have a 60 seat, filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. That could potentially mean that we could have free health care, better school funding, amazing environmental policy, and mandatory blowjobs from SourPix (he's down -- trust me).

Now, Arlen Specter is a known summabitch when it comes to voting party lines, but the fact that he switched parties after 25 some odd years means he'll probably be on his best behavior for the next year and a half until the 2010 elections. So yay.

Here's the story from the good folks at MSNBC:

Of course, Chris Matthews had something to say about all this. While he's kind of a sour douche about it, and you have to fast forward in the video to get to Matthews, he does spittle on himself a little bit and its awesome. Enjoy:

While I might be home with a fatal case of Swine Flu, mindlessly getting the left-wing propaganda i miss so much from campaign season, I still had the brain capacity to find this , the most amazing and religiously offensive game of the moment.

I'm not sure how long this will last, because Muslim groups are all in a tiff about the use of the "prophet" Mohammed, so get your playing in soon.

My Flow So Tight by the Smoke Jumpers.

Posted by Pasta

Cinderella, Rhythm & Blues

Posted by Pasta

I am finally waking up from my cocaine & R&B binge that I have been having for some time now. I never would have guessed that those two vices would work so beautifully together. If you feel the need to do so your self you need to check out The-Dream Love vs. Money

or for extra smoothness The point of it all Anthony Hamilton.

on another note tho, this Special Ed - The Message killing me! Its whats up

(ed Note: We can fully attest to the fact that Pasta has a terrible cocaine habit, and an even worse R&B habit, and was probably dabbling with both while writing this post.)


Best Commercial Ever for Papa John's

Posted by JG

Remember when southern gay men did a bunch of meth and got really gross? Well now they work at Domino's and they're grosser than ever! Check out these videos posted for some dumb reason by a fellow Domino's emplyoee/enabling lesbian.

Now I'm not sure why, other than the fact that these are two gay people, but these videos came out (get it?) on some random gay website that I'd never heard of because, despite the wishes of eligible gay bachelors across the globe, I don't swing that way. Check out more videos and a response from Domino's here, if you're so inclined. The rest really aren't that great though.

Peace, bitches!

(ed. Note: we here at nerdout do not condone any of this and really wish JG hadn't posted these videos. but we still love that the 2nd video is entitled "Poopie dishes")


Buby, There's a Lot You Don't Know

Posted by JG

Old Jews Telling Jokes

This is an amazing little website that does one thing and they do it well. Go there for weekly dirty jokes told by the funniest people in the world -- old Jews. My dad seriously loves this site and is the only site he's ever bothered to go to for video content. I'm pretty sure he steals the jokes to tell his gym buddies and you will too.


You're Not Real Unless You Know This Shit. Period.

Posted by RMM

Ok, so I went to a hippie art school for college. A large majority of my second semester in my second year was spent smoking blunts, drinking coca cola, eating snickers bars, and learning the star wars gangsta rap. Get to studying nerds. 


MJ Makes Me Weep Like A 40 Year Old European

Posted by JG

Okay, Rhymefest is probably never gonna blow up, despite winning a Grammy for co-writing (probably really writing) "Jesus Walks" for Kanye West (see below). He's not handsome, he never sold drugs, he makes good music with an interesting, sometimes positive message, and he's not really that cool... But he is a total music nerd.

Now Rhymefest has let his nerdy freak flag fly with Man in the Mirror, a great mixtape made with a whole lot of help from producer du jour Mark Ronson. Its a great tribute album that samples Michael Jackson songs and steals audio from interviews with hilarious and funky results. And its free.

Yeah, its free.

Rather than dealing with copyright laws and all that, Rhymefest has decided to do it strictly for the love of music and release it for free.

Preview the whole album and more at Rhymefest's official site.

Skip the preview and download the entire album now!

I hope you enjoy the silliness and odd genius as much as I do..

Nerd, out!